Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Day 28 to 30, Sunday June 17 to Tuesday June 19

Sunday we arrived at KOA West Yellowstone where we stayed three nights. The KOA is quite nice for a KOA however it is close to the highway and our site was one of the closer ones. Not much of a problem in an Alto since it is very good at blocking noise. What was a problem is that it started to rain shortly after we arrived and our site was pretty much flooded out by Monday morning. The picnic table and fireplace were in a swamp when we woke up and they remained unusable for the rest of our stay. The KOA tried to pump out the sites on our loop but it was a losing battle. Our site might have been the worst.

We spent each day exploring the park. A lot of driving and beautiful scenery interspersed with showers. Busy on the roads through the park and this was not the height of the season. We saw very little wild life in the park - a couple of Elk and a few Bison/Buffalo. This was disappointing. We did the lower loop road which has the geysers and hot springs. Old Faithful was a bust. We arrived shortly after it had spewed forth and were not willing to hang around the crowded tourist trap surrounding it for ninety minutes to see it spout so we just continued on. We had intended to do the upper loop of Yellowstone on Tuesday but we got mired in a traffic jam headed in that direction. After waiting in the jam for over an hour we threw in the towel and headed off to Grand Teton National Park. We were quite impressed with the Grand Teton mountains. We learned later that evening that the traffic jam going to the upper loop was caused by a herd of about thirty bison planted on the road and refusing to move. The person who told us this waited in the traffic jam for three hours and the bison were about four hundred feet off the road by the time he passed them.

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