Saturday, June 16, 2018

Day 23 to 26, Tuesday June 12 to Friday June 15

Tuesday evening we arrived at Fairmont Hotsprings around dinner time. We setup and met with many of our fellow Altoistes including a few that we had met before in North Carolina. It made for a fun but long day.

Wednesday was a leisurely day of socializing with Altoistes including touring the Altos which took over two hours. We had a potluck dinner and conversation around the fire.

Thursday, the weather turned against us and it was lightly raining as well as cold. We spent most of the day cozied in our Alto, reading and napping (me). We were also trying to get rid of the cold that is plaguing us both - no real success there. In the afternoon we chatted with various Altoistes and in the evening we managed another potluck dinner although it was very lightly raining for the latter half.

Friday morning we broke camp. Most of the Altoistes were leaving to carry on their own trips or return to home base. We headed off towards Yellowstone which would take us a couple of days to reach. Tricia found us a camping spot near Pincher Creek Alberta. The camp is called Waterton Reservoir Recreation Area. Very small, with no services which made four days of boondocking. Things were looking good there until we finished cooking dinner at which point a storm rolled in. The winds were freezing cold although the rain was not too heavy! We ate our dinner in the Alto and that night we actually used the furnace to heat us up a bit. The next morning we would cross the border into Montana.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Day 20 to 22, Saturday June 9 to Monday June 11.

On Saturday we delivered tomato plants from Campbell River to Andrea (daughter of Jim and Jeannie) and Alex. We had a short outdoor visit with them but we could not get too close due to carrying an ugly cold which we have picked up on the island early in the week. Still great to visit and finally see their two daughters (1 1/2 and 3 1/2 years old) as well as how the house that they built in Victoria has turned out. They were just starting the family and the house the last time we saw them in 2014. All quite lovely.

After visiting with Andrea and Alex, we dropped in to see Tricia's cousin AK. AK bought and is busy renovating a little cottage in the same area that Andrea and Alex live. It has a wild garden in both front and back and Tricia says it reminds her of one of her favourite books, The Secret Garden. Between the reno and the gardens, AK has her hands full but she is slowly but surely winning on each front.

Sunday, we went to a "Pops" concert in the afternoon, with B&F and friends Virgina and Allen. We had met Virginia in Ottawa. a few years ago, when she gifted our church Bazaar with furniture and collectables prior to moving out to Victoria. After the concert we all retired to Virginia and Allen's for a great roast chicken dinner at their condo in downtown Victoria. The condo is beautiful, with an outdoor patio on the third floor and a view of the harbour including the Victoria legislative buildings which are decorated with lights at night. All very striking.

Monday we were up bright and early to catch the 9:00 AM ferryfrom Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen on the mainland. From there we were off to Salmon Arm to pick up our trailer. We made it to the RV storage place almost an hour before closing. Tricia, was talking to the staff and they recommended a nearby campground called Salmon Arm Camping Resort just east of town. This campground was quite nice, with full grown trees on and between sites. One of the best overnight site that we have stayed at during the trip so far.

I'll have to update with pictures when we can find some WiFi.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Day 17 to day 19, Wednesday June 6 to Friday June 8

We spent the last three days in Campbell River being spoiled by our friends Jim and Jeannie. This bed and breakfasting could dissuade us from camping in future. If we had more friends and relatives throughout the continent this could well be true.

We caught up on families and friends and did some touristing around Campbell River including driving up to Mount Washington to check out the little resort area. Unfortunately, we are just on the cusp of the season so we could not take the ski lift up to the top of the mountain since it was undergoing maintenance for the coming summer tourist season. There was still a little snow and the resort area and the mountain top was covered in clouds.

We also hiked out to the relatively new suspension bridge at Elk Falls. Lovely sight and the bridge is well built to latest standards. Of course, latest standards include wire mesh sides that are at least five or more feet high - way overdone! Everything must be done to protect people from themselves. I get a little sick of the our Nanny culture.

Pictures have been a little lacking of late.

The Horticultural Center of the Pacific - Japanese garden in Saanich with relatives Brenda and Francois:

Elk Falls, Campbell River:

On Friday we headed back to Victoria and arrived well in time for dinner with Brenda, Francois and Tricia's cousin AK and uncle George. Great dinner provided yet again by B&F and we had a nice visit with the rellies.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Day 16, Tuesday, June 5th.

We are on the road again, heading to Campbell River to visit with our long time friends Jim and Jeannie. We will be in Campbell River until Friday, catching up since our last visit four years ago.

Day 14 to Day 15, June 3rd to June 4th.

We stayed at Brenda's Place, a favourite B&B in Saanich BC. We picked up our dog on Sunday from the emergency Vet. Repairs seem to be holding.

On Monday we were able to visit with fellow Altoistes Laurie and Kathy who live in Saanich. We had a lovely one hour visit which somehow stretched to three hours! Really great to meet with our Altoiste friends in person.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Day 13, Saturday, June 2nd

While we are in the Victoria area we are taking our defective dog into the shop to be repaired. We had discovered a few days before we left on our sojourn that Tipper had a sizable bladder stone and a UTI. We really didn't have to time to have her operated on so we left Ottawa with special food that was to dissolve the stone and antibiotics for the infection. However, Tipper has only got worse during our travels. This might have something to do with the fact that she decided after a week that she didn't really like the special food or any dog food in general for that matter. So off to the emergency Vet in Victoria today. She is scheduled for an operation either this aft or this evening.

Tonight we are having dinner with friends Lorie and Russ whom we haven't seen since 2014.

Day 12, Friday, June 1st

We drove from Kelowna to the Vancouver ferry terminal in Tsawwsen where we took the ferry across in to Saanich on Vancouver Island. Saanich is a suburb of Victoria.

We met up with Saanich relatives Brenda and Francois at the ferry terminal since they had to come to Vancouver to pick up a new electric bike which they purchased in Ottawa on their last trip and had shipped to BC. We are now staying for a few days with Brenda and Francois before heading north to Campbell River where we will visit with old friends. We have some more friends and relatives in the Saanich area so that makes a very nice base of operations.

Day 11, Thursday, May 31st.

We dropped the Alto off in Salmon Arm and proceeded to Kelowna, BC. We had decided that there was no need to take the Alto to Vancouver Island since it would be superfluous while free-loading from family and friends.

On the way to Kelowna, we stopped in Revelstoke to visit one of our favourite craftsmen, Trevor Kehler. Trevor is the owner/operator of U.S.E.D. ( and he makes things from recycled automotive seat belts. Years ago, when Trevor was still doing the crafts fair circuit, I purchased one of his handbags for Tricia and nine years later it has a worn spot. This is after seeing daily usage over those years so we are not concerned with the quality of the handbag whatsoever! However, we decided it might be time to look into a new bag of some type. Trevor is mainly selling online now and never gets to the craft fairs out east anymore so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to drop into his shop. We got a tour of his workshop - he doesn't have a store front - and a demonstration of his craft since he insisted on repairing Tricia's old handbag because, well, he couldn't bare to see it out in the world with a worn spot. The magnetic clasp also had to be replaced since it wasn't quite up to snuff in his opinion - repairs for free. Did I mention that he is a craftsman? At any rate we left with a new handbag, essentially the same style as the old, and the old one in "like new" condition. Thank you Trevor!

From Revelstoke we proceeded to Kelowna and camped out at a Best Western. Our "campsite" was very well appointed with lovely shower, king size bed and WiFi that worked properly! It even came with a buffet breakfast.